Changing the Internet Explorer Search Button Site

Changing the page that comes up when you click on the search button is not difficult but you do have to edit the registry, which if you change the wrong thing could cause your computer to die a slow painful death, so follow directions closely and only make changes if you are comfortable.

click on start, select run type in regedit

In the editor that is brought up go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
double click on the item called Search_Bar and enter any URL you want. The page you reference has to be set up for this purpose or it won't function properly.

You also may need to edit the same item under the tree

and some machines may have an entry under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search
that needs to be changed.

The page that is used for this must be built with this use in mind. If you use a standard search page the results will show up in the search frame, not the main window. One userfull search bar is located at:
It contains 4 search engines, a site translator, and mapquest driving directions. Feel free to designate it as your search bar. The bandwidth usage is minimal.

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