Welcome to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Library. We�ve created a series of documents to help answer most of your questions. Our goal is to continue expanding these documents and this library to provide as much information as we can at your fingertips. Please check back often to see what has been added.
After browsing our FAQs, if you still have questions about AudibleFaith or our service, please send us an eMail and our representatives will do their best to help you promptly... - for general information questions. - for technical information questions and troubleshooting. - for giving us your input. Hearing from you is the best way for us to improve our service.
... or please contact us and we will answer as soon as possible.
Click on any of the following to learn more about specific subjects, or just begin browsing the general information below these links:
Artists Quarter - about distributing your music through
Product Descriptions - about the kind of products we offer.
How To - step by step instructions on everything you need to get and use our products.
Distribution Technology � technical details about our distribution processes.
Copyright Answers � answers to copyright questions that surround the use of this site.
General Information
Can I pay by check instead of credit card?
What do I need to use your products?
About MP3 files.
Why do samples sometimes stop while playing?
Why did I get disconnected while downloading a song?
About sheet music files.
What is appropriate use of your products?
Why can I not log in? I'm typing the correct usercode and password.
I get the error 'An error occured in the secure channel support' when I try to purchase music.
Can I pay by check instead of credit card?
We just added the ability to pay for purchases with PayPal in addition to our standard credit card system. Using PayPal will allow you to pay by check, direct deposit as well as other methods. If you do not currently have a PayPal account, signing up is free. In fact currently PayPal will give you $5 just for joining. To get a PayPal account click here.
What do I need to use your products?
AudibleFaith products do require some software. Fortunately, all of it is free. To use AF audio files you will need an MP3 audio player, which is available for FREE here. In order to view and print AF sheet music you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, a program that can display Public Document Format (pdf) files. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, we provide it FREE. Just click one of the links below, save the file to disk and install the Reader.
Or Download it from Adobe directly here. This will ensure you get the latest version.
About MP3 files.
We use this MPEG digital audio file format because it's size and quality make it ideal for transferring music on the Internet. A 16-bit digital audio file (what is found on a CD) takes up about 10 megabytes per minute of space. To transmit this over the Internet would take a tremendous amount of time and bandwidth. MP3 files can reduce the file size by up to a factor of 12 while still maintaining high quality sound. The technology is changing rapidly, so we will keep adapting to give you the best quality audio available.
Why do samples sometimes stop while playing?
When you play a sample from AudibleFaith the audio is sent to your computer in a process called streaming.
This allows your computer to play the audio while it is being sent over the Internet so you don't have to wait for
the file to load. Sometimes due to network traffic your connection speed may not be able to keep up with the
audio so the player stops while it loads more information.
Why did I get disconnected while downloading a song?
Most ISPs (Internet Service Provider) disconnect idle connections, ones in which there are no commands, or
requests being sent. They do this to improve the service to those connections that are active. Unfortunately, many
of the systems that determine if a connection is active do not recognize a download as an active connection. So if
you are downloading a large file (like our audio files) your connection may "time out" and disconnect. Most ISPs
give you a warning before they disconnect, of little use if you are not sitting at your computer. To avoid having
to sit at your computer throughout the download and confirm that you want to stay connected when prompted,
call your ISP and ask them how to set up your computer and browser to remain connected during long
About sheet music files.
a) How do I use the sheet music files?
In order to view and print AudibleFaith sheet music you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader, a program
that can display Public Document Format (pdf) files. We use pdf format documents so that anyone can use them,
since the reader is free. If we used any of the "standard" notation file formats we could not be sure that everyone
would have the software to read these formats. If you do not have the Acrobat Reader, we provide it here. Just
click one of the links below, save the file to disk and install the Reader.
Or Download it from Adobe directly here. This will ensure you get the latest version.
b) When I print a pdf file the top and bottom are chopped off - how do I fix this?
Depending on your printer configuration your sheets might print with the top of the title and the bottom of the
copyright notice chopped off. In the Acrobat Reader, go to the File menu, Print dialog window and check the
box labeled "fit to page" before you print the sheets.
What is the appropriate use of your products?
Our goal is for this music to be used to encourage, inspire and empower as many people as possible. That's why we have a more lenient usage policy, enabling church worship leaders and other people using music to facilitate positive change to do so without major copyright hassles, while still treating the authors of the material properly and granting them fair compensation. Our policies for use follow CCLI guidelines, and are compatible with policies set by ASCAP and BMI. CCLI stands for Christian Copyright Licensing International - for
more information please visit their site at
Why can I not log in? I'm typing the correct usercode and password.
If you are using Norton Internet Security you may experience problems logging into certain areas on our site. Norton Internet Security intercepts some data that is sent to our server. Since it is not case sensitive it converts all characters to lower case. This can sometimes cause you to be unable to log in, even if you are typing the correct login information. Temporarily disable Norton Internet Security and login.
I get the error 'An error occured in the secure channel support' when I try to purchase music.
Older versions of Internet Exporer do not properly support all SSL connections. The simplest solution to this problem is to upgrade your browser to a current version. You can download the latest IE free.