The Harrell's Herald - 1998

     Family, music, new homes, trips, learning new skills, planning for the future. We have so much that we are grateful for. We hope that you, too, have had a good year and can look forward to the next with enthusiasm. Read on for the highlights of our year.


     As reported in last year's news, Dea has begun to teach vocal music as time and students permit. Two of her students asked her to help prepare audition songs for the musical "Music Man" being produced at the Contra Costa Civic Theatre, located less than 5 minutes from our home. Priorities during lessons shifted a bit. Performance and selling a song became as important as vocal technique. Pretty soon her students were encouraging Dea to audition. When Jack added a bit of arm twisting, Dea began to prepare her own song. The end result was that one of the students became a River City teen and Dea was given the part of Mrs. Paroo, the librarian's mother.
     It was the first time since college that Dea had participated in a production of this type. And what fun it was. Mrs. Paroo is a wonderful character to play with most lines designed to elicit laughter. The theatre is small, seating approximately 200, and was sold out for all 17 performances. The resulting intimacy with the audience added to the joy of performing. The 35 member cast and the backstage crew became quite close during rehearsals and production. The four months spent together were full of cooperation, laughs, hugs, and real caring. Many tears were shed closing night as we were sad to see it all end.
     P.S.: Typical of Harrell togetherness, Jack joined Dea for a set painting work party. He was soon drafted to help build sets during the week. Then a week before opening night, he became part of the lighting crew. He has continued to be an active member of the theatre crew working on sets for the three productions that have occurred since "Music Man" closed. He even had a bit part in a Sunday special event. We have enjoyed the camaraderie and look forward to future productions.


     Through the last almost 30 years, Jack and Dea have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and interacting with the friends of their children. Many of their happiest memories include not only their immediate family but the extended family provided by these friendships. It is a special treat when one of these friends drops by, unannounced, just to say "Hi."
     During last year's holiday season, Hugh introduced us to his new first lady, Jessica. She is a math teacher at Redwood High School in Marin and has a very practical bent. She grounds Hugh, while he challenges her to play and to be a bit more unconventional. (Remind you a bit of Jack and Dea??) Jess has a ready sense of humor and a great tolerance for the endless computer talk. (However, when placed between Hugh and Roger for an hour's ride in the car, she claimed the right to terminate any computer talk at her "demand".) Her very loving black lab, Monty, reminds us a bit of our Wags, though Monty is a bit more controlled. Jess and Monty are especially wonderful additions to the Harrell clan.

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