Winthrop Fellowship at FCCB was an important activity for the Harrell "kids". Pam and her brother Daren were also active participants in their Youth Program. So, it was not surprising to hear that Roger and Pam had become involved in the leadership of the Youth Program connected with their church. It's been fun hearing of their experiences.
     One such experience resulted in the longest e-mail Dea has ever received. Roger and Pam "chaperoned" a ski trip and found out what it's like to be a leader rather than a youth. Their story included: traffic problems (8 plus hours to cover a route normally done in 4); disorganized leaders (over 2 hours to get the group organized in the morning); crowded sleeping conditions (the bunk above was about 4 inches from Roger's back when he was laying on his stomach); a ¾ mile trek from the parking lot to the cabin with all the gear (he compared this to "a Grandpa getting to school story"); a second traversing of this same route in ski boots, including a shortcut which put them waist deep in powder; the need for a van to be dug out as one rear wheel dropped into a hole and (repair of a broken axle on the snow cat that was carrying their luggage. We're not sure when they had time to ski, but he says they did.) Roger's summary statement after listing all this: "All in all it was a blast, and a character building experience for all." Guess it pays to keep a sense of humor.


     With a mixture of relief (for parental units) and sadness (for her), Kris decided that it was time to give up crew. Some disagreements about coaching philosophy and the stress on her knees indicated that perhaps it was time to pursue other interests. The decision came none too soon. Dea and Jack spent this last weekend in Seattle in order to be with Kris as she repeated orthoscopic surgery on both knees. Though she compares her walk to that of Frankenstein, she is doing well and should be moving normally very soon.


     Assigning nicknames to people is always an interesting project. Dea remembers a brief experiment in Jr. High when friends tried DeeDee. That didn't work, but Dea seems to have worked ok. Jack went through Henry J. and a six-month run of Hank (to which he rarely answered to). Hugh will respond to Hug, but hated Huge. And his parents forbid Hughie (remember Baby Huey - the duck!). Roger has been dubbed Booger - who knows why, but it stuck(no pun intended). But Princess Kristen?? Princess? Somehow that connotes protected, delicate, maybe even fragile.
     And so the story begins. As you've read previously, Kris is an RA (floor monitor in the dorms). She works with a staff of other "RA's" and an RD (Resident Director). They develop a close working relationship that of course leads to teasing and nicknames. (See where we're headed.) Well, last year, one of her fellow RA's started calling her Princess. Who knows why? Other than Tim, her fellow staff members couldn't quite understand it. So, to tease Tim, Kris's fellow staff decided to make her a "real" Princess. They organized a club - "The Princess Kristen Buff and Beautiful Club" - (Kris is 5' 11" with an athletic build). They drafted by-laws and a constitution, elected officers, and submitted their new club to the powers that be at U-Dub (University of Washington). Their flyer states that "The newest, hippest, most intriguing, and most happenin' student organization on campus is here! The Princess Kristen is Buff and Beautiful Club is looking for new members who want to revel in the beauty and graciousness of Princess Kristen while enhancing their self esteem in an atmosphere of love and sharing." Ironically, in this day and age of political correctness and all, the club was actually recognized and received a $50 gift certificate at the campus book store for start up costs. Her friends put a tiara on Kris, took a picture, and set up a website. Check it out. This will be a good one for her to tell her grandchildren!!

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